Week #9, Thing #21

Do people propose doing a podcast because it is less complicated than creating a video? Every podcast I’ve heard so far would be improved by video footage. I heard one little boy describing how to draw his own face in generally anatomically correct proportions. This just seems silly to me, except for the stuff which is only music.

 As someone who hates to be read to (the words come too slowly), I fail to see the value of Composting – Making Soil Improver from Rubbish. This exists somewhere as a written document. However, I can see a great use here for blind people, aural learners, and anyone with a lot of driving time on his/her hands who wants to learn stuff while commuting. It’s just not for me! Anyway, how is a blind person supposed to identify the link on his/her computer? There must be a technology invented for this already….

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