Week #6, Thing #13

Delicious could be useful. Set up an account and transferred all my bookmarks worth having to it. But not really interested in sharing. I think I love my privacy more than I love all these new toys. And I loved Library Thing. Can hardly wait to go home and catalog my home library (in my spare time) – I am not being sarcastic here!

Week #5, Thing #11

Explored Ning and other Web 2.0 Awards. Many were blocked from school, so looked at them from home.

Ning seemed like an interesting resource, but with a  lot of trash also. The teacher-librarian parts discussion groups seem redundant or repetitive when we consider how many discussions, blogs, email groups, lists, bulletins, etc. are already out there. I don’t even think RSS feed is going to manage this very well for me, as it also takes up a huge chunk of time as my list of RSS feeds grow longer.

So far I see a lot of the emperor’s new clothes. Being selective is going to be critical here if the tools are going to really work for us instead of drain away time.

Week #5, Thing #10

Assignment: to play around with an image generators.  Home Alone is the result. I played with Image Chef – found it dull and limited.

Played with Flickr BigHugeLabs http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/

Thought it had potential. Skipped the comics site, as I’m not a comics fan. I had the good excuse for not making an avatar for this blog because that site was blocked the day I tried to do it. I didn’t cry very hard.

An Explanation of 23 Things for OW

These are passworded because I am doing a 23 step tutorial of Web 2.0 which requires me to blog about each step. The boredom involved in writing these will surely transmit itself to the reader and I see no reason to publically post anything where the main pronouns are “I” “me” and “my.”  “Not of general interest!” (two points if you can name the source of the quote without using the internet). If you  admit to wanting to read my drivel, you will have to apply directly to me for the password.

Week #4, Things #8 and #9

I chose Bloglines to get my RSS. So now RSS becomes part of the information overload which characterizes our cyberworld.  But I will look at it for fun and a break from serious work.  A couple are blocked here at school. I’m not into sharing with the other children. How can we insist on our right to privacy in this country, and then people want to post every last secret they have on some public website?? Go figure.

On the other hand, I found out a list of subscribers to an interesting blog, looked at the details for one of them, and then looked at HER RSS feed list and stole them all. Yep. exported them to a file and then imported them right handily. Now I’ll sort through them and keep most but not all.

Week #3, Thing #7

Hey teach, here’s my homework!

(Blog about anything related to technology)

I hate technology although I use it all the time, every day.  I see it as the bell which cannot be unrung. In other words, suck it up, it’s here to stay, you’re either for or against us.  In 1977 I made a speech to my graduating high school class about how technology will depersonalize us and how it had already started to do just that. 30 years later I haven’t changed my opinion. Technology encourages the delusion that we now actually have dominion over the universe.

Week #3, Thing #6

Now I know how people waste a lot of time online. Virtual space has replaced reality and here I am contributing my own junk to the sea of garbage which already floats in cyperspace. Merde.

Used Trading Cards to make my own Library Trading Card and uploaded it to Flickr.

That’s it.  I think we could make it a fun assignment except for the security/privacy issues which haunt us.